Resident data ends at 2784, program starts at 2784, file ends at e2ec Starting analysis pass at address 2781 End of analysis pass, low address = 2784, high address = a810 [Start of text] S001: "Symetry " S002: "A Matter of Self Trust by Rybread Celsius " S003: "970127" S004: "6/4" S005: "a" S006: "---" S007: "the" S008: "The " S009: "the " S010: "a " S011: "The " S012: "the " S013: "an " S014: "The " S015: "the " S016: "some " S017: "The " S018: "the " S019: "some " S020: "N = next subject" S021: "P = previous" S022: " Q = resume game" S023: "Q = previous menu" S024: "RETURN = read subject" S025: "Day " S026: "Moves: " S027: "Time: " S028: "You can't go that way." S029: "your former self" S030: "yourself" S031: "Darkness" S032: "those things" S033: "that" S034: " or " S035: "nothing" S036: " is" S037: " are" S038: "is " S039: "are " S040: " and " S041: "whom " S042: "which " S043: "(considering the first sixteen objects only) " S044: " Would you like to RESTART, RESTORE a saved game" S045: ", give the FULL score for that game" S046: ", see some suggestions for AMUSING things to do" S047: "[Your interpreter does not provide "undo". Sorry!]" S048: ""Undo" failed. [Not all interpreters provide it.]" S049: "Please give one of the answers above." S050: "[You can't "undo" what hasn't been done!]" S051: "[Can't "undo" twice in succession. Sorry!]" S052: ""Oops" can only correct a single word." S053: "It is pitch dark, and you can't see a thing." S054: "To repeat a command like "frog, jump", just say "again", not "frog, again"." S055: "You seem to want to talk to someone, but I can't see whom." S056: "To talk to someone, try "someone, hello" or some such." S057: "I didn't understand that sentence." S058: "I only understood you as far as wanting to " S059: "You seem to have said too little!" S060: "You can't use multiple objects with that verb." S061: "You can only use multiple objects once on a line." S062: "You excepted something not included anyway!" S063: "You can only do that to something animate." S064: "That's not something you need to refer to in the course of this game." S065: "I didn't understand the way that finished." S066: "Sorry, you can only have one item here. Which exactly?" S067: "(Since something dramatic has happened, your list of commands has been cut short.)" S068: " (closed, empty and providing light)" S069: "no pronouns are known to the game." S070: "Are you sure you want to restart? " S071: "The game file has verified as intact." S072: "The game file did not verify as intact, and may be corrupted (unless you are playing it with a very primitive interpreter which is unable properly to perform the test)." S073: "You're carrying too many things already." S074: "You can't put something on top of itself." S075: "You can't put something inside itself." S076: " for a while, but don't achieve much." S077: "You can only get into something freestanding." S078: "But you aren't in anything at the moment." S079: "You'll have to say which compass direction to go in." S080: " is now in its normal "brief" printing mode, which gives long descriptions of places never before visited and short descriptions otherwise." S081: " is now in its "verbose" mode, which always gives long descriptions of locations (even if you've been there before)." S082: " is now in its "superbrief" mode, which always gives short descriptions of locations (even if you haven't been there before)." S083: "Darkness, noun. An absence of light to see by." S084: "seem to be something you can unlock." S085: "seem to be something you can lock." S086: "This dangerous act would achieve little." S087: "Nothing practical results from your prayer." S088: "The dreadful truth is, this is not a dream." S089: "Digging would achieve nothing here." S090: "You jump on the spot, fruitlessly." S091: "You would achieve nothing by this." S092: "There's nothing suitable to drink here." S093: "But there's no water here to carry." S094: "Real adventurers do not use such language." S095: "Violence isn't the answer to this one." S096: "There's not enough water to swim in." S097: "There's nothing sensible to swing here." S098: "That would be less than courteous." S099: "Is that the best you can think of?" S100: "You lack the nerve when it comes to the crucial moment." S101: "I don't think much is to be achieved by that." S102: "You aren't feeling especially drowsy." S103: "You discover nothing of interest in " S104: "Hell or a Game?" S105: "Omigod! The horror, the horror!" S106: "Omigod! The horror, the horror!" S107: "The night gown is a little much for your taste, but your parents had always wanted the best for you. It can be openned easily." S108: "Using great strength, you manage to open your pajamas. So does the mirror creature as a frown crosses both of your lips. Your chest is now bare." S109: "You close your blouse. So does the mirror creature." S110: "Your chest. Conviently it has a right and left side." S111: "No appropriate tool is available." S112: "The left side of your chest. Your heart pounds violently, long as you still control it." S113: "As you push the letter opener into your soft, pink, flesh, the mirror creature does the same, but makes a face of woe, which you mimic. Or was it the other way around? You'll never know as the blade pushed its way into your heart." S114: "No appropriate tool is available." S115: "The right side of your chest." S116: "Your arm akwardly takes the small stiletto and plunges it deep into your right side. The mirror creature, as usual, does this as well. You are both startled simutaniosly. Somewhere in you, the last shot of adrenilane was let loose as you do one final thrust withe the letter opener. This hidden weapon sits in your chest, as it does your foe. The creature becomes more like its eyes by the second, with its cruel copying of you being stripped by the air. It is soon the shape of a small, hairless, primate. Grey flesh. Almost homogenious in its form, except for the wound in its left side. Your right. As the blue light rushes back into the mirror, sounds escape from it for the first time. A reptillian voice, ushered in by a low, throaty, mucus fills the room, with dangerous echoes bouncing from the corners. "Human flesh bag! My blood pumper is wronged! Your fault, this is! Even now this portal to your wake is closing, so I bequeath this too you..." The grey humanoid is now violently loosing its shape, and its word grow more distored. The light on its side is diminishing at a rapid rate. One final gurgle is makes it to your ears before the mirror grows dark: "Ph-nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn." These words echo in your mind as you collapse. You awake the next day in your bed. There is no letter-opener in your chest, however your fingers trace over a scar in the very spot. Fresh. The mirror sits innocently enough in its guilt. You calmly walk over to it, and punch the glass, unaware of the bloodied hand that follows. You could almost see a tiny flash of blue light as each shard hit the ground. You pick up one of the larger pieces and stare into it, and see only your own imperfection, when suddenly a thosand voices fill your head with "Cthulhu fhtagn." You drop to your knees, with your hands on your head. Too much sensory input. Suddenly, there is silence, with the exception of your own deep breathing. Then slowly, a small laugh becomes focused within your head, coming from the way back of your head. What surprises you the most is the fact that the laughter sounds a lot like yours." S117: "No appropriate tool is available." S118: "The envelope bears the wax seal of your familly. This letter is authentic and from your dear sister." S119: "You carefully part the wax seal and open the envelope." S120: "You can't reseal it; the wax is hard." S121: "You use the letter-opener on the envelope, and with a quick flick of the wrist, the wax is severed." S122: "The light here is too dim to read by." S123: "The letter is written in your sister's beuatiful caligrophy. It reads: May 6, 1813 Dearest Sibling, Oh, how I miss you, and Florence. How are the gardens? I admit I have not much to say on my behalf. My studies keep me busy, and the spector of Mother and Father's death still haunt my dreams. By the time you get this April will soon be upon us, and my return home May. My hopes are pure, and I they include seeing you in good health soon. Your Dearest Sister, Diana " S124: "The mists block any hope of finding an exit. What utterance brought you to this dismal place?" S125: "The mists seem to push you back." S126: "Omigod! The horror, the horror!" S127: "The ultimate hellspawn, a tamagotchi, is here!" S128: "You grab the sledge hammer and hoist it over your head, using both arms. The tamagotchi know's its time is up. With a final *beep* escaping its pitiful speaker, you smash it into oblivion. Of course, your stuck here forever, but who really cares?" S129: "The digital demon fends off your attack. Then it requires you to feed it! A weapon is needed, perhaps." S130: "The tamagotchi ignores you and begs to be bathed!" S131: "Salvation." S132: "Some archaic notion in the back of your noggin tells you to use it destroy the evil in this place." S133: "Soft cedar wood cushions your feet, as you stand in your bedroom. Splendid is the only word that escapes your gate of teath. Your studies tell you that perfection is a fool's impossibility, but this room is truly your paradise, refuge and sanctuary. A massive canopy bed clings to the southern wall, facing the door. Besides the bed lies a a small drawer, with a gas lamp sitting on it, just so. A small persian rug sits as an isolated in the center of the room, taking away from its rather Spartanesque atmosphere that you love nevertheless." S134: "The night is no longer young, you feel the spell of slumber being cast." S135: "The drawer is not nearly as old as other things in your estate, but you like it anyway. It holds up the lamp quite nicely, even if the drawer itself is stuck." S136: "This bed has been in your family for a few generations, and despite the fact more than a few of your relatives have died on it, you sleep on it with pride." S137: "A gift from Gunther, a German familly friend, it's actually quite hidious. You use it to wipe your feet, which you find hilarious since that should be the use for rugs, yet no one does." S138: "Looking under the rug reveals...dust!" S139: "Looks a bit sharp, but at least it will get the job done." S140: "A simple letter opener is here." S141: "Some archaic notion in the back of your noggin tells you to hold on to it." S142: "This oil lamp has been lighting your night for years. It gets fairly good hours for a little amount of oil and enough light to read by." S143: "The mirror stand in the to the side of room, still a new sight, but rapidly conforming." S144: "You've already spent countless hours today staring at yourself in vain. You made a promise not to look at it anymore till tomorrow." S145: "The bed is quite comfy, as usual. The lamp is within an arm's reach." S146: "You can't sleep with the lights on." S147: "This oil lamp has been lighting your night for years. It gets fairly good hours for a little amount of oil and enough light to read by." S148: "Your hand dumbly fumbles with the lamp, suffocating its gas supply, untill there is only a tiny hum of red within it. A moment pases, and that too is silenced. Seconds later you drift into slumber." S149: "Your not sure when you took up sleep walking, but you have suddenly become aware that you are standing in the middle of your room, on the rug. You feel very tired, too tired to sleep. The effort to keep your eyes closed is equal to that of keeping them open. However, a dull thought has been erected in your mind. The lamp is off, so where is this dim light coming from? Then you realize, there is a soft azure blue spectrum coming from the mirror." S150: "You can't make it to your bed." S151: "The door seems miles away." S152: "The drawer is not nearly as old as other things in your estate, but you like it anyway. It holds up the lamp quite nicely, even if the drawer itself is stuck." S153: "This bed has been in your family for a few generations, and despite the fact more than a few of your relatives have died on it, you sleep on it with pride." S154: "A gift from Gunther, a German familly friend, it's actually quite hidious. You use it to wipe your feet, which you find hilarious since that should be the use for rugs, yet no one does." S155: "Looking under the rug reveals...dust!" S156: "This oil lamp has been lighting your night for years. It gets fairly good hours for a little amount of oil and enough light to read by." S157: "It emits from the mirror into a fog. It seems to be a heavy sort of light, and gets stuck on the air too easily." S158: "Blue ionized air swills around you, somehow making you feel even more tired than you are. The source of the blue, the mirror stands before you. Your reflection rests in the mirror." S159: "Your feet seem to be stuck to the spot you stand in. Actually, your feet are starting to go numb. You wonder why your not falling as you sway back and forth and from side to side hypnotically." S160: ", has light; Nearby tamagotchi " S161: " with name " S162: ", description " S163: "the" S164: "You could not break bread in your current state, let alone glass." S165: "Your reflection doesn't seem to want to do that." S166: " Hypnotically, you stare at your own reflection. Your eyes lock with its. Panic drips into your mind as you realize that you are staring into very foreign eyes. They lack the knowledge of humanity, or the innocence of the animals. The eyes are chaotic spheres of electricty. What is going on?" S167: " As the blue mist wraps itself around your person, you feel tiny random sections of your body going numb, almost absent. Your reflection's eyes make a show of struggle, followed by a small smile on its face. And yours." S168: " Despertly you try to move, but your body is lethargic. This mirror creature seems to be a better puppeter of your body than your own mind. Somethings still seem to be your, or rather Nature's, control, as sweat starts to seep from your pours." S169: " Your hand slaps your chest and digs through your night gown to stratch your itchy flesh. These motions seem foreign to your mind. The creature is gaining control. Blue vapors crawl in and out of your respritory system." S170: " The phantom in the mirror streches your arms and gives a yawn of refreshment that you mimic perfectly. The fact your body did that in its current state scares you a lot." S171: " Your dry tounge lips your lips in vain. The creature, silent, says a word, that you lipsynch. It felt like "Soon" to you. But you emitted no sound. So your internal organs are still your own. For how long?" S172: " Clenched fists. Unclenched fists. Repeated. Again and again. A new silence fills your ears, there is something under it that you can't make out. Your senses dim." S173: " The blue light starts to separate itself from the air, and is making a slow pilgramige back to the mirror. Sound is now a distant memory, and your thoughts grow fuzzy." S174: " The blue light slowly reenters the mirror, bringing with it untold parts of your essence. A moment black out occurs. Your body, is now totally numb. Only the beating of your heart and the pulsing of your brain seem to be yours. Horrid projected images lie all around you. Undefinable and undescribeable. Piercing screams of pain are mirror by those of sick pleasure fill your ears. Then you realize you can hear again. In fact you have gained control of your body, and your not even tired. You go to make it out of the room, but soon realize this is not your room. It's all backwords. You stare through the mirror, at yourself, with human eyes. Your image waves back at you, and exits the room. The walls melt away to reveal a world of landscaped flesh. You attempt to dig your eyes out of their sockets, but find that while you can now control your limbs, they are constantly changing form. Amorphius. Like a dream. Or a nightmare." S175: "Words" S176: "Walkthrough" S177: "Hints" S178: "More Stuff" S179: "Lack of Stuff" S180: "This game really only has one puzzle. The best, not the biggest, hint I can give is simply the title. " S181: "Please e-mail me, I'd like comments: " S182: "The five dwarves have a 96% chance of following you, except into light, down pits or when admiring themselves: and the nasty little knives are 9.5% accurate. But do you care? " S183: " There's a hidden game with in the game. Kinda. " S184: "This help menu source is blatantly ripped from Adventure? " S185: "The game was originally going to be a few nights, each more draining than the previous one. But time got in the way. So it became a one night fight for your idendity." S186: "The last lousy point can be won by... but no. That would be telling. Well, what the hell, I'll tell. The last lousy point is ROSEBUD." S187: "I was cleaning my house when the world started dying. It had actually been dying from the moment of its creation, but only know did it become aware of this morbid fact. Realization was the first step, and was followed abruptly and rather violently by denial. As you would expect, this affected my house cleaning. Realization had taken a moment, but this denial would last several. I was vacuuming my couch during those moments, with a little dust buster. I really liked vacuuming with the dust buster as it was small but efficient and I could pretend it was a gun if I got bored, which was often. Some, fifty percent or more of all dust is star dust, a.k.a. misc. space debris. The cosmos essence disguised as common filth, the silver lining of cloud. The world's stuff. And I, in foolish attempt to control matters beyond my control, was trying to suck it up and possibly find spare change or the blasted television remote. My action was met with the world's denial. The extension of my arm was leaking its deafening pollution of noise, and was sucking in the oxygen, but despite how hard it tried, the dust would not budge. I touched it with my actual finger, and it shifted. It was like an amorphic material and its atoms would evade contact at any cost with myself or any thing associated with me." S188: "I met the world's denial with frustration. I tried lifting the dust with a spoon. Every time I thought the dust was on the spoon, somehow it wouldn't be. Don't ask me to explain. The world has powers that we can't comprehend even in fiction. My frustration grew and was matched by my determine. My many variables were challenging the worlds. I tried to lift the dust with a shovel, a static charged comb, water adhesion, tape, a lobster grab claw toy thingy, prayer, will power, electromagnetic power, communism, silver and various isotopes of uranium. They all failed and my frustration popped as the world continued to personify its denial in my couch dust/moon sand. But my sound of my defeated patience must of been deafening on some frequency only picked up by modded PRO-28 scanners and of course, the world. The pop slapped the world in the face out of its trance. It now entered the liaison between denial and acceptance. Anger." S189: "There is information provided on the following: Walkthrough Don't read it Nor this " S190: "There is information provided on the following: "Mental Illness is the Road to Freedom" - Jello Biafra Too many options Whatever... " S191: "Ah, but what does he _do_ in the gardens of R'lyeh?" S192: " To speak is to act; anything which one names is already" S193: " no longer quite the same; it has lost its innocence. " S194: " -- Sartre, "What is Literature?"" S195: "The darkness is here in abundance." S196: " When you saw the mirror, you knew at once that you must own it. Though the mirror itself was not handsome, there was something that compelled you to make the purchase. The old man you bought it from spoke of the Orient, but nothing on the leak can help you determine its origin. Now it rests in your bedroom, offering a reflection of your dwelling. Tonight will be the premiere of you slumbering under its constant eye. You put on your night clothes and are about to climb into yor canopy bed, then you remember the letter your sister sent you... " S197: "read" S198: "send message" S199: "apply 'ofclass' for" S200: "recreate" S201: "destroy" S202: "copy" S203: "copy" S204: "" S205: "name" S206: "create" S207: "recreate" S208: "destroy" S209: "remaining" S210: "copy" S211: "call" S212: "print" S213: "print_to_array" S214: "animate" S215: "absent" S216: "clothing" S217: "concealed" S218: "container" S219: "door" S220: "edible" S221: "enterable" S222: "general" S223: "light" S224: "lockable" S225: "locked" S226: "moved" S227: "on" S228: "open" S229: "openable" S230: "proper" S231: "scenery" S232: "scored" S233: "static" S234: "supporter" S235: "switchable" S236: "talkable" S237: "transparent" S238: "visited" S239: "workflag" S240: "worn" S241: "male" S242: "female" S243: "neuter" S244: "pluralname" S245: "before" S246: "after" S247: "life" S248: "n_to" S249: "s_to" S250: "e_to" S251: "w_to" S252: "ne_to" S253: "se_to" S254: "nw_to" S255: "sw_to" S256: "u_to" S257: "d_to" S258: "in_to" S259: "out_to" S260: "door_to" S261: "with_key" S262: "door_dir" S263: "invent" S264: "plural" S265: "add_to_scope" S266: "list_together" S267: "react_before" S268: "react_after" S269: "grammar" S270: "orders" S271: "initial" S272: "when_open" S273: "when_closed" S274: "when_on" S275: "when_off" S276: "description" S277: "describe" S278: "article" S279: "cant_go" S280: "found_in" S281: "time_left" S282: "number" S283: "time_out" S284: "daemon" S285: "each_turn" S286: "capacity" S287: "short_name" S288: "short_name_indef" S289: "parse_name" S290: "articles" S291: "play" S292: "Pronouns" S293: "Quit" S294: "Restart" S295: "Restore" S296: "Save" S297: "Verify" S298: "ScriptOn" S299: "ScriptOff" S300: "NotifyOn" S301: "NotifyOff" S302: "Places" S303: "Objects" S304: "Score" S305: "FullScore" S306: "Inv" S307: "Take" S308: "Drop" S309: "Remove" S310: "PutOn" S311: "Insert" S312: "Transfer" S313: "EmptyT" S314: "Give" S315: "Show" S316: "Enter" S317: "GetOff" S318: "Exit" S319: "VagueGo" S320: "Go" S321: "LMode1" S322: "LMode2" S323: "LMode3" S324: "Look" S325: "Examine" S326: "LookUnder" S327: "Search" S328: "Unlock" S329: "Lock" S330: "SwitchOn" S331: "SwitchOff" S332: "Open" S333: "Close" S334: "Disrobe" S335: "Wear" S336: "Eat" S337: "Yes" S338: "No" S339: "Burn" S340: "Pray" S341: "Wake" S342: "WakeOther" S343: "Kiss" S344: "Think" S345: "Smell" S346: "Listen" S347: "Taste" S348: "Touch" S349: "Dig" S350: "Cut" S351: "Jump" S352: "JumpOver" S353: "Tie" S354: "Drink" S355: "Fill" S356: "Sorry" S357: "Strong" S358: "Mild" S359: "Attack" S360: "Swim" S361: "Swing" S362: "Blow" S363: "Rub" S364: "Set" S365: "SetTo" S366: "WaveHands" S367: "Wave" S368: "Pull" S369: "Push" S370: "Turn" S371: "PushDir" S372: "Squeeze" S373: "ThrowAt" S374: "Tell" S375: "Answer" S376: "Ask" S377: "Buy" S378: "Sing" S379: "Climb" S380: "Wait" S381: "Sleep" S382: "Consult" S383: "parse_input" S384: "AskFor" S385: "GiveR" S386: "ShowR" S387: "begin_action" S388: "end_turn_sequence" S389: "reflection" S390: "Version" S391: "Empty" S392: "InvTall" S393: "InvWide" S394: "GoIn" S395: "Help" S396: "fhtagn" S397: "cthulhu" [End of text] [End of file]